Friday, May 28, 2010


I embroider because landscaping isn't as much fun or nearly as satisfying.  This is what my yard looked like 10 days ago.  I have been working hard since then, but there isn't enough change to post yet.. boo.  It's a gravel pit.  It looks like grass, but it's actually just a lot of weeds.  There is some dog poop that you can't make out from this picture.  But!  I am going to fix it.  It will be beautiful.  I started on a patio, I have a fence scheduled, I dreamt of a flower garden and I know I can make it happen.  If anyone knows anything about mulch or about sod, please don't hold back.


  1. It's so daunting at first, but it's so exciting when it comes together. What do you want to know about mulch? I've been through a few different kinds over the years and I have found my favorite- Scott's naturescapes. They are nice solid chunks and they have great colors... I'm a brown girl, and I don't recommend black because when it fades it just looks dirty. I've never used sod before, but looking back it might have been much simpler than seeding. If you can rake the gravel over and get much of it out then you can lay new soil and seed over, it should be fine even with some gravel. LANDSCAPING ROCKS!!! xo

  2. I get free mulch from the city dump. It's great for the price, and it's more eco-friendly. You just go to the city dump on Lincoln Ave with some shovels and some buckets or a tarp in your trunk.

    Actually, I'm moving into used coffee grounds mixed with sawdust. I leave my bucket at Alterra in the morning and they fill it up for me through the day. Then I grab sawdust from Matthew's workshop. He's got TONS.

    Sod is fun, but seeding grass isn't that hard, and it's WAY cheaper.
